Friday, June 17, 2011

My weird life

Friday, June 17, 2011
Don't get me wrong. I love my life. But somehow what happened to my life is kinda weird.

Lot of times, when I eat out with my friends and got some fortune cookies at the end of the meal, I always got the weird one. I mean, while my friends got the normal one like some kind of words of wisdom, I got the one something like, "don't try to feed the squirrels, they will bite you"... =_=" seriously? I like squirrel, but still I scare to put food on my hand and feed them. What happen if they really bite me? I don't want rabies.

In my whole life, I kept saying I would never wear contact lens. Not because I don't want to. But I was scared to put on the contact lens, and also thought it looks horrible to put the fingers into the eyes and gets the contacts lens out. I was still saying that last week. However, since Monday I wore the contact lens for one eye, slept with it for almost 4 days, probably will continue wearing it at least for another 5 days. Again, I felt like SERIOUSLY? From a girl who never and thought never would wear contact lens to someone wearing contact lens for 24 hours everyday (well, for one eye). haha it's pretty extreme.

Actually it wasn't my decision. I didn't have choice. In my situation, I have to wear the contact lens and sleep with it for medial reason. (I didn't know since when I scratched my cornea, and the scratched was pretty big too. ) It called bandage contact. So, when I blink it won't disrupt the cornea self-healing.

Well, actually this experience wasn't that bad. Now, I am kinda used to wear contact lens. I am actually want to get color contact lenses as they are really pretty. I haven't decided which color I wanna get. I am thinking about gray/green/hazel :D

Life is full of surprise. Maybe my life is a little bit weird, but it makes my life more interesting.


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